Book of Magickal Thinking

Lilith is in our Astrological Lives

Lilith is in our Astrological Lives

Did you know that there are more than three Liliths in any one person's astrological natal chart?  Lilith in our chart is linked to our sexuality, sexual expression, and ability to...

Your Guide to Beltane

Your Guide to Beltane

Beltane is still celebrated by many modern pagans and witches as a time to honor the earth and the cycles of nature, of growth and of connectivity. It is a...

How to Celebrate Ostara

How to Celebrate Ostara

Whilst Ostara is all about blooming, blossoming and growth we don't have to associate it with fertility alone. Here's a spell for enchanting jewelry to bring creativity and energetic enthusiasm...

Lilith the Wild Woman Archetype

Lilith the Wild Woman Archetype

As women, we all have a wild woman archetype inside of us. She is the part of us that is untamed, instinctual, and passionate. Let's explore the wild woman archetype...

A Witch's Guide to Imbolc

A Witch's Guide to Imbolc

Imbolc is a time of year that is often overlooked, sandwiched as it is between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. However, this sabbat has a lot to offer...

A Modern Yule Party Guide

A Modern Yule Party Guide

With witchcraft so inherently tied with community and nature, here is your reminder that a truly magickal Yule is one of giving, gratitude and joy. Here's our party guide - what to...

Celebrate Your Body and Style This Samhain

Celebrate Your Body and Style This Samhain

This year, let's try to release those negative thoughts with some glamour magick. By working on our self-confidence and embracing our unique personal style, we can bring more light into...

Evil Eye Protection Spell

Evil Eye Protection Spell

In this blog post, we will discuss how to charge an evil eye charm and how it can be used to protect you from harm.