Book of Magickal Thinking

How To Use a Talisman

How To Use a Talisman

To create a talisman, all you need is an item that resonates with your outcome and focused intention. To charge you talisman with your desire, hold or gaze upon it...

Why We Celebrate Halloween

Why We Celebrate Halloween

Today’s mainstream Halloween celebration is loosely derived from the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain. Samhain, pronounced sah-win or sow-in meaning 'Summer’s End', marked the end of the warm harvest season and the start of the...

What is a Talisman?

What is a Talisman?

A talisman can be defined as an object you have chosen to, whether directly or indirectly, direct energy into or imbue with a specific intention.

What is Witchcraft?

What is Witchcraft?

A witch’s practice is rather personal so no one thing will ring true for every witchcraft practitioner. However, some things ring true for at least most practitioners..

What is a Witch?

What is a Witch?

One common thread among all traditions is a communion with and reverence for nature.

Why We Spell Magick with a ‘K’

Why We Spell Magick with a ‘K’

With the help of Hollywood cult classics and jovial, top hat clad magicians, magic has made its way into the mainstream. But how do we differentiate between simple sleight of...

What is Magick?

What is Magick?

For practical purposes, we define Magick as the personal practice of causing a desired change through focused awareness and consciousness.